Stolen credentials are a global problem that causes billions in losses. While businesses are making efforts to protect their sensitive files from attacks, customer information continues to be stored in vulnerable databases worldwide.


scanOn is a cutting-edge digital solution specifically crafted to enhance trust and security to the utmost level. Unlike traditional authentication methods that frequently demonstrate vulnerabilities, scanOn offers a complementary approach.

No Username and Password Identity Access and Management Solution

scanOn provide frictionless Cryptographically Secure connections to your organizations. Your user can be seamlessly Zero-Typing Login every time without the hassle of a password or even a username for any scanOn enabled service.

scanOn serves as a groundbreaking addition to traditional authentication frameworks, providing a reliable and comprehensive solution that guarantees optimal trust and security


Stolen credentials are a global problem that causes billions in losses. While businesses are making efforts to protect their sensitive files from attacks, customer information continues to be stored in vulnerable databases worldwide.


scanOn is a cutting-edge digital solution specifically crafted to enhance trust and security to the utmost level. Unlike traditional authentication methods that frequently demonstrate vulnerabilities, scanOn offers a complementary approach.

No Username and Password Identity Access and Management Solution

scanOn provide frictionless Cryptographically Secure connections to your organizations. Your user can be seamlessly Zero-Typing Login every time without the hassle of a password or even a username for any scanOn enabled service.

scanOn serves as a groundbreaking addition to traditional authentication frameworks, providing a reliable and comprehensive solution that guarantees optimal trust and security

Zero-Typing Authentication

Identity theft has become more common than ever. Various reasons include weak and easy to guess passwords and hackers have become very good at stealing them. Because of this, any authentication method is an important security measure that can help protect your identity.
scanOn offers a No Username and Passwords Authentication Solution, eliminating the risk of centrally stored stolen credentials. We combine biometrics and blockchain technology creating an easy and secure user experience that’s simple to use and impossible to hack.

Zero-Typing Authentication

Identity theft has become more common than ever. Various reasons include weak and easy to guess passwords and hackers have become very good at stealing them. Because of this, any authentication method is an important security measure that can help protect your identity.
scanOn offers a No Username and Passwords Authentication Solution, eliminating the risk of centrally stored stolen credentials. We combine biometrics and blockchain technology creating an easy and secure user experience that’s simple to use and impossible to hack.


Identity theft has become more common than ever. scanOn’s decentralized identifiers and verifiable credentials offer to the users’ total control and security over their online identity, setting a new standard for authentication. With scanOn, users no longer have to deal with the hassles and vulnerabilities of traditional, centralized, login methods.


Identity theft has become more common than ever. scanOn’s decentralized identifiers and verifiable credentials offer to the users’ total control and security over their online identity, setting a new standard for authentication. With scanOn, users no longer have to deal with the hassles and vulnerabilities of traditional, centralized, login methods.


Short, memorabe, human readable

Often assigned by service provided

Often reused across account


Guessable, breakable

Hard to manage

Often reused across account

scanOn Decentralized IDentifiers

Opaque, managed by scanOn mobile app

Generated & controlled by the user

Globally unique for every account

scanOn Verifiable Credentials

Prohibitively hard to crack

Managed by scanOn mobile app

Globally unique for every account

Beyond Two-Factor

Multi-Factor Authentication get’s a new meaning.

scanOn software combines:

Connected device

Possession, control & content

Cryptographic keys

Ownership of a given account

Verifiable Credentials

3rd party assertion of identity

Real time biometrics

Likeness and liveness

Beyond Two-Factor

Multi-Factor Authentication get’s a new meaning.

scanOn software combines:

Connected device

Possession, control & content

Cryptographic keys

Ownership of a given account

Verifiable Credentials

3rd party assertion of identity

Real time biometrics

Likeness and liveness

For organization

For the organizations, scanOn modernizes their legacy infrastructure and strengthens their security posture against cyber attacks.

For users

For the users, scanOn addresses the market challenges head-on providing a low-friction registration and access experience.

For organization

For the organizations, scanOn modernizes their legacy infrastructure and strengthens their security posture against cyber attacks.

For users

For the users, scanOn addresses the market challenges head-on providing a low-friction registration and access experience.

Convenient and safe for your digital self or business!

Convenient and safe for your digital self or business!